Typos noticed in the publications VORTICAL FLOWS MRC 2001 v.28, No 2, pp.207-212 1st line of equations in section 3: 1st equation: Rs -> Rs^2 2nd and 3rd equations: St -> Rs^2 TCFD 2001, v.14, pp.243-257 Eq.14: Gamma -> Gamma/St Eq.16 & Eq.24: Rs_d -> (Rs_d)^2 Phys Fluids 2001 Vol. 13, No. 6, p.1815 text after Eq.10: k_y^2=k_x^2/(1-k_x^2) -> k_y^2=k_x^4/(1-k_x^2) J. Fluid Mech. (2014), vol. 738, pp. 268–298 Eq. 2.4 : v_z*ω_r−v_z*ω_z -> v_z*ω_r−v_r*ω_z THERMODYNAMICS Open Thermodynamics Journal, 6, 1-14, 2012 Eq.22: sign typo (corrected in arXiv:1208.4189v1) P.8 after Eq.13: macrostates -> microstates; P.8 after Eq.13: dimensions given in equations for T,S,r_S are to be understood as units for the constatnts Entropy 2017, 19(5), 202, 1-25; Eq.50: DeltaG_0 -> DeltaG_0^2 COMPLEX COMPETITIVE SYSTEMS Phys. Scr. 85 (2012) 068201 P21, Eq.B5: Remove Inf before Psi P17,P24: swap references to fig.10 and fig. C1